Òran Blend No.1
50% Malt | 50% Grain | 50% ABV
blended scotch whisky
In this time of the single malt there is a temptation to regard a blend with a touch of disdain-the poor member of a noble family. Yet it is anything but. The blend of grain whisky and malt is a creation offering myriad possibilities.
Òran is, unashamedly, an old school blend - one recognizable to whisky lovers in the heyday of blended whisky some 100 years ago. Where the grain and malt contents are created separately but ultimately act as the perfect foil for the other. The objective is delicate complexity and finely tuned balance.I trust that you will find it here.
Jim Murray - Master Blender
Has the lightest of smoky signatures which heralds the frutier elements
Beautifully mouth-filling, the delicate smoke and the lightest shade of grape combine for a sum much bigger than the parts. The malts and grains form juicy layers through which the spices easily permeate. Astonishingly mouth-watering and fresh, despite some obvious age at work.
There is a distinct chocolatey feel with dull grape and teaming grassy malts.

Blend no.1 breakdown
A truly Speyside whisky, this release embodies all of the luxurious, sweet rich fruitiness which has made it the number one whisky in France.
24 years of a sweet, adventurously spicy; stewed peaches that are sprinkled with dry nuts; in a malty and light woody salad; that is on fire.
Chocolate and peat are vibrant in this delightful malt from one of the three remaining distilleries operating in Campbeltown,.